Friday 30 July 2010

A mermaid needs a place to rest her head.

I managed to find a little time to paint her head board onto the newly painted wall. I made her another garland from cut flowers, butterflies, and buttons from different wall papers. It loops around her room now. The bunting has pieces from our wedding stitched onto it, like lace and velvet flowers from the place cards. 

She hasn’t seen it yet, but I know she will have a big smile.

Last day

Today is Dillon’s last day at his pre school. We made butterfly pictures for the teachers and cupcakes for his friends. He is over the moon! Slightly different for me, my heart is heavy today.

Wednesday 28 July 2010

Who would have thought it?

Last night I painted the kitchen walls, ‘Lamp room gray’ and 'green blue' where we make the tea. I am really pleased with the colour, it’s very calming and comfy, it makes paintings/furniture stand out more. A few people have commented to me about how Farrow and Ball paints have more depth to them, I never really thought this possible for an emulsion, even thought they were a little loopy for saying so, but now I can actually see what they mean. 

So now I am converted and I will have to add ‘more depth’ to my list of paint vocabulary, so watch out if you come round. I might bore you. I will also have to bore you some time soon with a few pictures of Matilda’s bedroom. She now has one wall with ‘more depth’, and I am hoping get round to painting her a head board upon it sometime soon. Pictures to follow....

Monday 26 July 2010

Come a little closer...

Stink bugs, dragonflies, assassin bugs and moths. I love to paint bugs! I love the way their bodies fit together, like wearing a coat of armour, with their big googly eyes. I am going to do another version with butterflies, so they can sit together on a wall. I have hung this temporarily on a wall that reflects the light from our front windows and it shines onto the street, you can see it as you walk past our house. A little beacon shouting “yoo-hoo look at me!”

My painting days will be numbered for a while as I focus on being with my little ones over the summer. I will try to do as much painting as I can in the evenings while we still have summer light, if I don’t do something creative each day I tent to get a little jittery!

Sunday 25 July 2010

Michael Eastman.

I am sorry for my lack of posts last week, I left my camera at my sisters, and she doesn't live that close to me, so I was unable to show you what I have been up to. I have it back now so tomorrow I will show you a painting I managed to finish. In the mean time I thought these photos by Michael Eastman are really beautiful.

Worn grandeur, beautiful colours and walls that have seen a fair amount of life.

Tuesday 20 July 2010


I love this monumental shot. It is so far from my capabilities it just keeps drawing me back. 

I wonder what it must feel like standing there? 

Friday 16 July 2010

Interior love.

Over the last few weeks a couple of friends have asked me to advise them on styling their homes. Which is, of course an honour. ( I really don’t think they know what they have got themselves in for. ) My love will always be with interiors. As this is where my thoughts lie at present, I thought I would share some interior shots that inspire me, and make me want to ruffle the feathers in my own nest.

Handmade beautiful plates sitting proud on the dark wall, mimicking the shapes of the hats on the desk below. Instantly adds personality. I love the fact they are not the usual floral vintage plates, but something more up beat and stylish.

This image makes me want to pull up a chair and relax with friends. I love the wall colour and texture, linked with the soft pendant shade, which makes it feel more luxurious. An unpretentious love of interiors caught well. Only a few people will be brave enough to pull this off. I wish I knew one of these few, I wish one was my husband!

A dark wall sets off the gold typography stencils beautifully.The use of black on black is brave and refreshing. Interesting objects placed on the drawers pulls you closer.

idakronberg via piquenique39

Interesting collections. I walk into so many bland homes that lack personality, and I can't understand it. Why would you not put something on the walls that you love? Either put something oversized be it a painting or at a boring push a mirror, or group together a collection of something that you feel passionate about. You don’t even have to buy it, it can be nature, things picked up from a walk or collected on your travels.


The simplicity of this shot appeals to me, and I like the use of linked colours. Be it curtains, cushions, vases, an arm chair or rug. If they follow a similar colour pattern the eye follows it round the room, making it more balanced.

Something a little humorous, theatrical and fun. While homes should be practical they should defiantly have elements of fun, if nothing else but to break up the monotony of every day routine. Something a little different to make you smile lifts the spirits, and we could all do with a little of that I think.
Maybe some of these interiors are not to your taste, however the principle is still the same, have some fun. There are rules I am sure you should follow for 'correct interior design'. I am not sure that I follow any, I just know what I like and I am brave enough to have a go.

Happy weekend to you all!

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Small collection I

photographer unknown found here

Some days when I am not here, I am over here, enjoying the never ending inspiration.

It keeps on coming as if it has fallen from the sky.

It is fast and forever changing, just like the clouds.

Monday 12 July 2010

Like a painting. Miles Aldridge.

So beautiful, interesting, and defined.
Makes me draw my breath.
Makes me want to study it, like a painting.
Makes me want to reach out and touch her porcelain cheek.
Makes me want to be.

Miles Aldridge photographing Lily Cole for Vogue Italia 2005.

Found here.

Thursday 8 July 2010

Paper Cut Butterflies

I framed these paper cut butterflies to put in the raffle for Dillon’s leaving party tomorrow at Pre School. The back ground paper is from a book printed in 1909. I like the way it smells. 

Today he asked me if his friend Ashley was leaving. Yes I said, and soon you will be too. He thought about this and said, I will still come back sometimes… in my school uniform.

We are all finding it a little hard to let go.

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Blue Sky Butterfly

Blue sky butterfly.

By Kate Kelleher.

Gold leaf, metal particles and oil paint on board.

160 x 95cm

© Kate Kelleher 2010

A couple of alternative shots here.

Tuesday 6 July 2010

One for us.


Matilda. Getting a lesson in DO NOT touch mama's painting, it is drying!
She is enjoying and exploring being a girl. Choosing to have cream for her face, arms and legs every morning, reminding me this is what women should do! She longs for blush (covers her face, round and round it goes, and refuses for it to be washed off!) and nail varnish, (she painted her brother nails and hands black the other day.)

In her hair she is wearing, a present given to her by Emma Cassi from her baby and girl collection. We are going to meet her at the end of the week at Orange Pekoe, this time I hope to take a few pictures of this fabulous tea shop.

P.S. I am sorry I have not been able to respond to the comments left last night, blogspot swallowed them before I could read them.

Sunday 4 July 2010

Lobster and Swan.

I am sure you are all familiar with Jeska's successful and beautiful blog Lobster and Swan. Jeska has been talking about how we have far to many possessions and if you had to start again which twelve things would you take with you? A hard question indeed, if you fancy having a go you can email her your pictures here

If you fancy taking a look at my twelve things you can do so on her blog, here

Good bye old times. Hello new.

There is something going on that is spiralling out of control. Time. Where does it go?

My boy has his leaving play at Pre School on Friday, they will be re in acting ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’. You know the story, a little egg hatches by the light of the moon, out pops a tiny hungry caterpillar that eats the world. Goes off for a sleep and emerges as a beautiful butterfly. They will not realise the significance of the story.

My four years of nurturing the little rocket that zoomed around my stomach and then the park, field, and garden feels like a rather large chapter is closing and a new one of course, opens. A new one that means I have to say good bye to him at the school gate as he treads the same school path as his father, and goes off to learn the things he will need in life, taught by someone other than us. He will have new friends, and then, us in turn will fill our time with these new friends and their parents.

A new book, new hellos and old goodbyes.

So go fly my little butterfly, I am looking forward to watching you grow. I know you will go far, just remember to turn around and come back. x

Friday 2 July 2010

INview magazine V of V.

INview magazine V of V.
with my little lady.

INview magazine IV of V.

Applied/ reapplied ,worked/reworked, pattern, print, texture.

INview magazine No19 Labour Of Love. No. IV of V posts.