When Matilda was born, I couldn’t believe my luck on having a girl, as for nine months I thought she was going to be a boy. My maternal instinct was right the first time round for Dillon, but not for the little lady. The shock was so great that her room was left white for at least a year, in fact to be honest it was not only white, it was the junk room. There she slept with the spare Hoover and everything else that really should have been somewhere else. I am not sure what triggered the urge to rectify this, apart from guilt, and my sister sending handmade pictures from my nephew so she would have something lovely to look at. All I know is that Matilda, who in spirit is crazy just like her brother, needed a calm space.
I made her bunting from found vintage bits I have picked up along the way and added the silk flowers that were the name place settings for ladies at our wedding, and bits of floral fabric swatches from Shabby Chic picked up from buying trips to NY. The set of three pictures are post cards from Belle and Boo, put into distressed frames.http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5108910
Her cake pictures were the first things I painted using oil paints, as I had two children, the drying time between paintings needed to be longer. These she has had since she was born.
Unfortunately her dolls house is waiting renovation, a few rooms have been refurbished with sample wallpapers, and it is a bit higgledy piggledy and clearly could do with a bit of attention.